Charitable causes
Charitable causes will be added here with proof of donations. Photos and interviews with the vicars & ceos of the places we help.
Why help? John is a humble disciplined runner, who is using his strength and talent to enable his efforts to raise money for his local Church.
All Saints local church provides
- Refugees help and support.
- Holds Recovery spiritual meetings.
- Holds AA meetings groups.
- Food bank management.
- Fund raising events for local Schools
Helping John in turn will help the Church which in turn will help many others! This is a fantastic way to start your Goal Focusin new way of life.
"Great things start with tiny steps"
Many will laugh and scoff while saying £100000.00 is a delusional target. This action setting up fund raising for the church, spiked me to create Goal Focusin. Since then the idea has grown and evolved. You see even if we only raise £40.00 for church, Goal Focusin has helped and will continue to help people. My Goal has been achieved and anything more than this is a bonus. My daugther enjoys helping me design website and meet people I'm speaking with. It's a fantastic project a gift from God! Stay Goal Focusin