MPD1 is a collection of Personnal Development Programs to help people adjust their lives in a more spiritually fit approach.


Our first Program is called Divinity Sponsorship and the first part is free to download.


We are launching the Program this year as we are finalising the production of this thought provoking hard hitting never seen before Masterful gift to all. Our Founder Marco Massimino Defelice was asked what's so great about this course?

" Awakening from depression and Alcoholisium is a gift from God! Knowing that people won't respond unless they have everything to lose if not worse lose everything first. Life and addiction can take you to the depth of Hell! My sins have been washed from me and my eyes cleared and I see everything now as a world of abundance and forgiveness and love. God is working and I see it more clearly everyday. His plan for me is to achieve my destiny which is inherently to help and heal his people. Every so often someone gives humanity a messsge, above the group Conscience level of the population which spikes an awakening of the masses. I believe I am connected and his word will be spoken from me when time is right... We need to be mindful people play apart and never truly commit to things in life they go through the motions. Yet install rank and leadership about things they have never truly experienced. A lady that goes to church every Sunday May never reach the connection with God Spiritually than someone on the streets that bared all to his spiritual higher Power... Yet will never be heard and mostly discredited because not committed to a religion. I'm here to be heard and the truth will touch the souls of those that listen... It's in Gods time not mine. His divine plan for me is very powerful that's all I know as I'm a guide to spiritual and religious people of all ages and faiths that recieve the truth of God when I speak. Am I A Prophet? Maybe I am or maybe I'm just connected because I listened to the teachings and followed without question even in my darkest hour not turning my back just proving I've handed my life over to the higher spiritual powers of the universe we like to call God...I pray every morning for 16 months so you could say I've built a solid relationship with God now and he knows I'm making up for lost time with all the charity work I'm doing to help others and turn my back on the darkness of my previous life... 

Our founder Marco makes it very clear to all that are attracted to our media, we are not here to promote religious groups and certainly not a cult! We are here to steer the lost souls to the light once they are awakened they can choose their own spiritual or religious disciplines afterwards if they believe that is what's needed to continue a spiritually health life...

Some people will disagree to this approach but that's why there are still so many lost souls in the world. Groups of people not giving unconditionally which exercises Compassion one of the most spiritually powerful habits in our program. Unconditional love doesn't mean you have to believe or be made to feel dirty or not good enough to join a group of people because of your belief.
   In Hell our habits stop us changing our mindset...In groups people become protective and feel the need to exercise authority and rules and expectations of a belief system which has deviated from its truth due to human intervention. People that need help May not be able to grasp simple things in their current situation. Requiring Love, Compassion and Goal-Focusin on Actions to build a health life. Worship and religious practise comes after this yet a higher power is required to release the Demons of the past. 

We use thought provoking imagery to spike empathy and understanding to people on all levels we hope people are not misguided thinking we are a religious group. We are a spiritual enlightened group from many faiths and beliefs working together as God intended, we believe.